Signs You Need To See A Dentists

Dental visits are important for your health, but many people do not visit the dentist as often as they should. Before you know it, that gap in care could turn into a dangerous cavity. Read more for further details.

Here are six signs you need to see a dentist:

  1. Discomfort 

If you experience any level of discomfort while eating or drinking hot/cold items, this may indicate sensitive teeth and is reason enough to go to the dentist. An extremely high percentage of people suffer from dental sensitivity–upwards of 80% according to some studies. For those who brush and floss regularly, this statistic can almost come out of the left-field because there’s no warning before your tooth sensitivity starts acting up. The best way to avoid problems with sensitive teeth is by seeing the dentist regularly.

  1. Loose Teeth

Loose teeth are another reason you need to see the dentist, but it’s nothing like the loose tooth your child wiggles with his or her tongue. If an adult tooth has become dislodged due to plaque build-up and brushing errors, there may be some options for saving it short of installing a crown. However, if you’re avoiding seeing the dentist because you think all he or she will do is pull this one tooth, think again. There are many more options than extraction for treating serious dental problems such as gum disease and bone loss near your molars.

man in teal scrub suit holding baby

  1. Bleeding Gums

When your gums bleed when you brush or floss, this is never normal even though it’s a common affliction among millions of people. Do not panic if you have gingivitis, but be sure to schedule an appointment with the dentist. Treatment may only require a thorough cleaning of plaque and tartar from your teeth, in which case you’ll be on your way without having to take any time off work or school. However, more advanced cases of gum disease will require antibiotics to put an end to red, swollen and bleeding gums before any damage is done.

  1. Toothache/Facial ache

Don’t ignore persistent pain such as a bad toothache or facial ache that never seems to go away; see your dentist right away. Toothaches are often caused by decay between the teeth where brushing and flossing can’t reach, while other types of pain like TMJ (or craniofacial pain) are caused by problems with the jaw joint. This type of chronic pain is often worsened by biting down but can be relieved by keeping your teeth slightly apart.

  1. Oral Injuries

If you’ve experienced trauma to your face or oral injuries such as a broken tooth or knocked out tooth, seek immediate dental attention. Whether it’s due to an unplanned trip and fall or an accident that requires stitches near the mouth area, time is of the essence when it comes to preventing infection after any oral trauma. Broken teeth may require root canal therapy–a complex procedure that could lead to further complications if not done properly–so call us as soon as possible for help treating this painful injury.

  1. Signs of Infection

Finally, don’t ignore swelling, bleeding or other signs of infection in your mouth. If you notice any change to the way your gums look, feel or act that’s out of the ordinary, it may indicate gum disease. Even if you’re vigilant about brushing and flossing regularly (and why wouldn’t you be?) plaque can still build up on your teeth and irritate gums resulting in inflamed, swollen gums that are pink instead of their usual healthy red colour.

Brushing more often is usually enough to keep things under control but sometimes tartar builds up so much it embeds itself beneath the gumline – this is where good oral hygiene just isn’t enough. Visit us today for a thorough examination before treating any dental emergency.

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